4 Bargain free agents to sign if Dallas Mavericks trade for LeBron James

Kevin Love, Miami Heat
Kevin Love, Miami Heat / Elsa/GettyImages
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1. Kevin Love, Miami Heat

If LeBron James and Kyrie Irving are going to reunite in Dallas, it's only fitting that Kevin Love join them too. That trio went to three consecutive NBA Finals on the Cleveland Cavaliers, including pulling off the legendary 3-1 comeback in 2016 to bring Cleveland its first and only championship in franchise history.

Is there a place for Love to rejoin his former co-stars in Dallas? Almost certainly. Especially if they can stay under the second tax apron and offer him the full Taxpayer Mid-Level Exception. Love has proven that he still has plenty left in the tank throughout his current run to the NBA Finals with the Miami Heat.

Love is not just a stretch big. He is one of the best big-man shooters in the league. He gets up a high volume of shots and has to be defended out at the three-point line. Playing just 18.2 minutes per game in the playoffs this season, Love is getting up 4.4 three-point attempts per game and hitting 36.5 percent of them.

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The Mavericks would likely bring Love off the bench, but his ability to space the court would work well alongside LeBron James in bench lineups. Add in his elite rebounding and incredible outlet passes, and Love could play a role on a contender, as he is doing this season.

The Mavericks should absolutely give him a call if they bring in LeBron to make a run at a title next season.