Dirk Nowitzki is one of the greatest all-time players in the history of basketball AND he played his whole career with one franchise. So when is the statue coming?
Dirk Nowitzki is a G.O.A.T and anyone who says otherwise simply doesn’t know the game of basketball.
Sitting as the 6th all-time scorer in the history of the NBA, Nowitzki could find himself in rare territory if he finishes his career out with two more successful seasons. If things go right and The Big German stays healthy, he could very well pass the great Wilt Chamberlain and be one of the five greatest scorers in the history of basketball.
I could go on and on about the accomplishments of Nowitzki over the last 18 years in Dallas, but what about after basketball?
Three things are guaranteed for Nowitzki: The Basketball Hall of Fame, his jersey retired, and most likely a statue outside of American Airlines Center.
But could one of them come before he actually retires?
Dirk Nowitzki is Dallas. He is arguably the biggest sports star the city has EVER seen. Marc Stein, from ESPN, even labeled Nowitzki as being bigger than Emmitt and Aikman on a recent podcast with Zach Lowe.
After hitting free agency this past summer, people who were close to the situation remained very clear on Nowitzki’s intentions: he wanted to finish his career in Dallas as long as Dallas was remaining competitive.

Dallas made the moves to remain competitive and Nowitzki signed a two-year deal worth around $50 million. A contract that locks in Nowitzki for what is presumed to be his last two years in the league, depending on health.
Top six scorer in NBA history. Top twenty player of all-time. Twenty seasons in Dallas and arguably the biggest sports star in all of central Texas.
Dirk Nowitzki will get a statue outside of American Airlines Center…but when?
Hall of Famer Dominique Wilkins played his last game over 16 years ago and got a statue in Atlanta just last year. Magic Johnson got his in 2004 and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 2012, both well after their playing careers were finished.
But why wait for Nowitzki’s?
If there is an owner that is bold enough to give a statue to a player before he retires, it’s Mark Cuban. Let’s make history and build the statue now. Immortalize the legend and build the classic one-foot, fadeaway statue outside the arena and get it over with.
Plus, is there anything Nowitzki could do at this point in his career that would warrant him not getting a statue? Even if he left this past summer for a different team, he would still be getting his statue in Dallas.
Next: 5 Trades That Make Sense This Summer
We all know it’s happening eventually, I’m ready to break ground now.