21 Questions: The Dallas Mavericks Remix


Dallas Mavericks basketball is slowly inching closer. With a big summer, new roster, and new season, many questions surround the 2014/2015 Mavericks.

I’m sure many of you remember 50 Cent’s 21 Questions. Here’s my remix attempt.

*Note: Some lines have been omitted..

If Dirk’s jumper doesn’t fall, would you still love him?

If Monta’s decision-making stinks, would you still hug him?

If Tyson Chandler got sentenced to the bench because of foul trouble,

Could we count on Brandan Wright to get a double double?

If they ditched Jameer for Felton at the point, would you poof and disappear

like some of the Knicks’ joint?

If Dirk was hit and hurt would you still be by the Mavs’ side?

If it was Jae time to put in work would you still be down to ride?

I’m asking questions to find out how you feel inside

Would you be ashamed to tell your friends we employed Charlie V?

On the court if we turned to Parsons would you like that?

If he doesn’t live up to his contract would you send him back?

MFFL…it’s easy to love them now

Would you love them if they were down and out?

Would you still have love for them?

MFFL…it’s easy to love them now (Woo!)

Would you love them if they were down and out?

Would you still have love for them?


Now would you leave them if you found out Parsons was out clubbing?

Would you believe me if I told you basketball is what he’s loving?

Are you mad because I’m asking you 21 questions?

Is Harris this team’s answer at 6th man? If so, the team isn’t messing

Do you trust Carlisle enough to fulfill the championship dream

I’m staring at Sarge, trying to figure out how he got on this team

If the Mavs were down, would you say things to make me smile?

Carlisle treats his players how they want to be treated, just show him how

If Carlisle went with Aminu and you wanted RJ,

And you were to ask him, and he said it was best for the team

Would you believe him or up and leave him?

How deep is your bond if that’s all it takes for you to be gone?

We’re only humans MFFL, we make mistakes. To make up Cuban will do whatever it takes

He loves you like Antoine Walker loves cake

You know his style, he’ll do anything to make Dirk smile

MFFL…it’s easy to love them now

Would you love them if they were down and out?

Would you still have love for them?

MFFL…it’s easy to love them now (Woo!)

Would you love them if they were down and out?

Would you still have love for them?


Could you love them in the Finals?

Could you love them if they’re fishin?

I asked you 21 Questions, and they all about this season

Could you love them in the Finals?

Could you love them if they’re fishin?

I asked you 21 Questions, and they all about this season